08 May 2010

Reading List

Do you have a few books on your nightstand? Yeah, me too. Problem is, I keep adding to the pile stack tower, and can't seem to stop, or catch up. Sitting around with some English teacher friends a few days ago I immediately suggested book recommendations, and added to the pile. An upcoming coffee date with a smart theater prof? Please come armed with book suggestions. And to you? Yes, I'd love to know what you're reading. Please add your suggestions to the comments. I'm confident I'll get to all these books eventually; I just don't have the perfect read for right now.


  1. My most recent purchases (not yet read): Carol Burnett's new autobiography, This Time Together; Laughter and Reflection; Caught in the Middle: America's Heartland in the Age of Globalism; The Imperfectionists: A Novel; The Lost Books of the Odyssey: A Novel; Alice Munro's latest volume of short stories, Too Much Happiness.

  2. The Cello Suites by Eric Siblin. I recommend this not only because it's an amazing book (no really, it is!) but also because I remember your asking, after - or perhaps before- my sophomore recital , "Why do all you cellists have to play a Bach Suite on your recitals? They're so boring, and there isn't even a piano part to listen to!" This book explains it all.-

    Naomi W

  3. Good suggestions all. I'm particularly intrigued by The Imperfectionists and The Cello Suites. Will check my local independent book retailer Sunday.


As always, civility reigns, but cleverness trumps.

They shall be called my disciples.